Issue #5 of the broadsheet newspaper publication of the Platypus Affiliated Society in Chicago. May-July 2008 articles include: "Race" in social-historical and political context by Aay Preston-Myint and Chris Cutrone; Review: Capitalism and the environment: Interview with James Speth in NPR Worldview's series "Critical Thinking on Capitalism" by Adony Melathopoulos; Catastrophe, historical memory and the Left: 60 years of Israel-Palestine by The Platypus Historians Group; Review: Persepolis and the personal consequences of failure by Jeremy Cohan; Requiem for the '60s: Response to a boycott of discussion of "40 years of 1968" by The Platypus Historians Group; The science that wasn't: The orthodox Marxism of the early Frankfurt School and the turn to Marxist Critical Theory by Marco Torres; Walter Benjamin by Michael Löwy.